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Paying with a Phone

Merchant Cash Advance

A merchant cash advance is a type of business funding that is designed to help businesses gain access to the cash they need in a flexible way. The lender provides the business with a sum of money which it pays back through a percentage of its customers' card payments.



  • Useful funding solution for businesses with no or few assets, as well as those who require capital for growth but have a limited credit history. 


  • Usually repayments are made as a percentage of revenue. That means when things are going well, you pay more back each month, but if the business is going through a lean period you’ll pay a smaller amount. 

Can i get it?


  • Any business that receives payment via a card terminal can get a merchant cash advance


  • There’s no need for credit checks or a detailed look into your accounts


  • Many lenders only work with specific terminal providers, which means your choice might be limited depending on the provider you currently use. However, there are some who work with a wide range of terminal providers



Swift and efficient acceptance

Possible to get other types of finance for your business at the same time

Pay as you grow

Commercial City Group
Company number - 13251361

Address: 505 Albert House, 256 – 260 Old St, London, EC1V 9DD


Phone: +44 20 4540 0885

Monday - Friday:  8:30 am – 17:00 pm

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